Weeknotes - 2025-W09

Cover image for 2025-W09Cover image for 2025-W09

On Monday, Prasanna’s phone (my father’s old Galaxy Flip 5) stopped working. The screen just wouldn’t respond. Thankfully I was able to salvage a lot of the data and ensure backups were properly taken via a keyboard that I connected to the computer. I set up another new phone for her and tried the Niagra Launcher which she seems to be liking just fine. I’m sure that the repair is going to cost 10s of thousands of ₹. New tech is cool but new tech is also expensive in all sorts of ways.

I had a wonderful call on Tuesday night with a GCPP batchmate about an upcoming project that we both are planning to work on together. I think its going to be amazing. More details closer to launch.

We’ve got an AC fixed in our hall, this was my parents’ old AC from their old home. They shifted to a new one recently where they bought new ACs. Hopefully we can make judicial use of this during the summers to beat the good ol Chennai heat.

Got in ~ 2h of Badminton for the week. Decided to do only one evening session because there is a LOT to study for the saturday classes and I wanted to give it my best.

I wanted to get back into reading RSS feeds, missing a lot of weeknotes from great folks so I am giving YARR a shot this time. Wanted something that sits on my desktop, since that is where I do most of my reading. Experience report once I use it for a while.

Got tagged by Sathya and wrote A challenge of blog questions. It was nice to reflect on this. I can’t believe I’ve been writing in some form since 2009 😱. That is a long time.

Saturday’s GCPP was fantastic. I love that we’re getting more into the techy side of policy and I’m very excited for it. We have also got the topic of the in person policy simulation workshop which looks really interesting. There is a lot of reading to be done before the simulation workshop as well - lots to read and learn. GCPP is not easy, but it is rewarding.

Watched Superboys of Malegaon with Prasanna and loved it. It is such a wonderful wonderful movie. Must watch. Varun Grover is really something 🤘🏾

Finished stacking books in our bookshelf that we setup a while ago. Really feels nice to see it complete. So much to read, so much already read. Reading was something I shared deeply with my FIL. We would exchange books and talk about it. He was a much much much more voracious reader than me and took me seriously whenever I bought a book for him. Reading for me, will always remind me of him.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

  • George. R. R. Martin

He really did live a thousand lives. Both through his reading, and through his actions.


March 2, 2025