The Secret of Ultra Running

The more I get involved with ultra running and more so running in general, the more I get the sense that there is no secret to it. It feels as if asking an ace ultra runner what their secret is, would never get us any real meaningful answer.

Start by making a plan. Then show up everyday, execute the plan and move on with your day. Do it today, do it tomorrow, do it the day after. Once you’re at a point where you’ve achieved what you initially planned out for, repeat the whole process again with a new plan - Rinse, dry & Repeat

The real secret sauce, if any, is made up of patience, the power to persevere and commitment to the cause. A cause that underlies the answer to a question you’ve probably been asked a hundred times before - “Why do you run so much?”. Maybe this is the true secret to everything in life. That there is none. There’s only effort. There’s only time. There’s only patience.

Life needn’t be so complex :)

August 17, 2019