Weeknotes - 2025-W02
Cover image for 2025-W02
Joined the 2025 Book challenge on Goodreads and set myself a goal of 12 books for this year. Given that I’m just developing my reading habit, I don’t want to go wild. I’d rather be conservative and keep my goals achieveable.
Started listening to Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. This is a book Prasanna wanted to read, so I thought I’d read it along with her, so that we can talk about it as we read it together.
Tried Cursor for a small requirement for a project and am rather impressed with it. But the use case was very tiny. I will try it for a more complex use case next before making more concrete thoughts.
Was in Bangalore for a few days, because a dear friend was giving birth. It was a baby boy 👦🏾. I look forward to getting to know the kiddo. It will be amazing, I am very excited to see him grow and to “spoil” him.
It was a quick visit, but I got to catch up with other dear friends, who are really more than friends at this point. “Nakama” is a better fit, if you know what it means.
Since Bangalore is where my relatives stay, I used to travel a LOT and spent a LOT of my holidays here. Also I’ve experienced the place myself as a young adult from 2010 - 2014. It is great that the place is growing (people are brains, not stomachs), but I lament in my nostalgia for the Bengaluru of yore. So chilly that I used to wear 2 hoodies as I got down in Shantinagara bus stop from the volvo I took to get to Bangalore from Chennai. We didn’t use fans in almost any season here AND had to use rugs because it was so cold.
There are these people in your life that you can vehemently disagree with (aside: disagree with more people) and come out of the conversation in a much better place than where you started. Cherish these people.
I finally got the time to listen to TOOL. What a band, wow. How did I miss this music? Might be addicted to them.
I can’t believe that within the same weeknote, I finished the book I started. Wild: From lost to found on the PCT was a beautiful read. Being someone who has done both long distance runs and hikes, I could understand all of the pains that Cheryl spoke about, and the simplicity of being out there. Also seeing Prasanna go through the grief of losing her father also allowed me to relate a LOT to the various parts of Cheryl’s book that spoke about her own grief.
Day 1 of the GCPP was really wonderful. I felt a tremendous amount of imposter syndrome in the moments leading to me hitting the join meeting button. But I told myself that I had put in the work and that I deserved to be there. The batch looks really vibrant and the instructors were really nice. I am looking forward to next Saturday already.
Went to the Chennai Book Fair again, this time with Prasanna. It was overwhelming for her, since it was a thing she and her father used to do for many years. But she came because she wanted to go on behalf of both of them. She picked up some books and we picked some stuff up for her friend’s kid. We also met another friend there and geeked out about books for a while.
- Pneuma by TOOL
- Fourty Six & 2 by TOOL. The bass on this is just mindblowingly awesome.