Weeknotes - 2025-W03
Cover image for 2025-W03
Watched the movie adaptation of the book I read last week - Wild and it was SOOOOO bad. It was even nomiated for 2 oscars 😱. Maybe I just didn’t get it or I was biased from the book, but it was a total meh movie. I generally REALLY enjoy Reese Witherspoon’s acting but it felt like she was totally flat from start to finish.
Even though IT is a very high paying profession, I notice a presumption from a large % of the folks that I interact with at $work that IT is easy. So the assumption would be something like “But this is just doing X and Y. Why does it take PQR number of days?”. Is this just me? Or is this more common?
GCPP is intense. The amount of studying that I have to do before every Saturday’s classes is insane. The intensity is fun though, and I haven’t studied something in a long while so it might just be the initial getting-used-to period. But I’m thinking a lot more and observing a lot more of the world around me. So it feels wonderful.
On 19th, I went to the Hindu Lit for Life festival with Prasanna and another friend and had a great time. Got to listen to Aruna Roy talk to TM Krishna and also got to meet and tell Krish Ashok and share with him that it was the Seen and the Unseen episode with him & Narendra Shenoy that brought a lot of laughs and solace to a very partner-missing-altitude-sick me back during my solo trip in August 2023 to Leh. It was wonderful to talk to him briefly and listen to him in his session too. A fun day!
Otherwise it was a very normal week - mostly just wake up - workout - work - home - study - sleep kind of a week.