Weeknotes - 2025-W04

Cover image for 2025-W04Cover image for 2025-W04

I’ve started reading Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb. It has been a wonderful read thus far.

So after finishing Wild: A Journey from Lost to Found last week, I was just looking through Cheryl’s feed .. and found out that she’s sympathetic to Israel in the war against Palestine. It really saddened me to see that a writer whose work that I really really loved, has this stance - ah well 🤷🏾.

From the river to the sea…

Had a meeting with the GCPP squad” (sub teams) on Monday morning and it was nice to see the tight group of people i’ll probably be working with a lot over the next few months. The team is so vibrant with folks from all walks of life - very exciting. We need to work on an assignment that needs to be submitted on Thursday so we had an initial discussion around that.

I finished up my part of the GCPP assignment submission and am thoroughly unhappy with it. I haven’t written anything outside of life and tech so I think I need to find my voice here. It also emphasized to me, the for-grantedness of writing in a particular space for long. Given that I’ve written so much about and in tech, I understand the assumptions and the audience better. Here, I don’t know what assumptions I can make so I find myself struggling a lot. Its the process I guess and it will take time.

  • Working with a team makes this experience so much better. I get to read and understand POVs from people who are far more well versed in this than me.

The New Delhi World Book Fair is coming up and work is quite hectic on that front - we need to figure out the stall flex, the handouts we’re going to take and all the other effort that we’re going to be putting in for our stall presence. I will be at the fair from Feb 4 to Feb 7. It has become one of my most favourite times of the year.

Happy Republic Day, India! We’ve now been a republic for 75 long years. I did a short talk on this at my parents’ community where I spoke for about 5 minutes about what it means to be a Republic and some unknown facts about our wonderful constitution. I ended it by reciting the preamble which I want to quote here, so that I can be re-reminded of what we must keep in mind, as we build the new India. I decided to make the video public so here you go:

Jai Hind!


January 26, 2025